High school juniors, as you enjoy your Christmas break, here are some productive steps to get ready for college:

  1. Research Colleges: Spend time exploring potential colleges, both online and in-person, if possible. Consider factors like location, majors, and campus culture.
  2. Create a College List: Begin narrowing down your choices and create a list of schools that align with your goals and preferences.
  3. Plan College Visits: Schedule college visits during the break to get a feel for the campus environment.
  4. Scholarship Search: Start researching scholarships and grants to help fund your education. Many scholarship applications are due in the coming months.
  5. Standardized Tests: If you haven’t taken the SAT or ACT yet, consider preparing and registering for these exams. Many juniors take them in the spring.
  6. Resume Building: Engage in extracurricular activities and volunteer work to enhance your college application. Highlight any leadership roles or significant accomplishments.
  7. College Essays: Begin brainstorming and drafting your college application essays. This process can take time, so starting early is essential.
  8. Recommendation Letters: Identify teachers or mentors who can write strong recommendation letters for you. Ask them during the break while you have time.
  9. Financial Planning: Discuss college costs with your family and explore financial aid options. Start planning your budget for tuition, room, and board.
  10. Time Management: Improve your time management skills to effectively balance coursework, extracurriculars, and college preparation.
  11. Explore Scholarly Interests: If you have specific academic interests, dive deeper during your break. Read books, take online courses, or engage in projects related to your intended major.
  12. Connect with Advisors: Reach out to your school’s college counselors or academic advisors for guidance and to ensure you’re on the right track. College Careers Consulting offers free 30-minute consultations.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to college admissions. Utilize your Christmas break wisely to set yourself up for a successful transition to college life.