Does your student need help finding clarity and purpose in their college and career process? Contact us.

Why did you hire Kal at College Careers Consulting?

We hired Kal to help our two daughters get a stronger sense of their talents and strengths and help cast a vision for their areas of interest and future career options.

How have the personality reports impacted your family life?

Using her very thorough assessment process, Kal met with our teenagers and held them accountable throughout the assessment process. When our teens presented the finding to us, we felt the conclusions about their learning styles, areas of gifting, and motivations were spot on.

How have the career reports helped your students in their future pursuits?

As parents of teenagers, we face relational challenges every day. Now that College Careers Consulting has given us a framework for how each of our children has been uniquely created, the report serves as an exceptional tool for parenting – which was an unexpected bonus!

How has/is the process helping your student prep for the college admissions process?

Our children now have greater confidence in their futures, thanks to Kal’s exceptional process. They are now motivated to take on a concise career direction, visit colleges, establish goals and work toward excellence, which is truly what we want for our children.

Do you have any advice for homeschool parents?

As home-based educators, we were concerned about how to help our children determine career options. Our two children have extremely different learning styles and personalities, and with Kal’s support, we have been able to better understand each child, see how to help them stay motivated, and create education programs and curriculum plans tailored to each of their different needs. Without College Careers Consulting we would be lost!

What surprised you the most?

The extensive report – that we refer to often – was a big surprise! I had no idea that there would be such a concise outline of the traits and aptitudes that shape a person, which works as a tool to allow our children better understand themselves and allows than to work within their range of talents. In a world full of overwhelm and distraction, the ‘road map’ has set our teens on a clear path to work within their wheelhouses. Additionally, the insights we have gained through the College Careers Consulting process have given us clear and valuable parenting directives. These have helped us make some very difficult decisions. In hindsight, we are completely confident that we are now creating the most successful high school experience for each of our children, with a very bright future ahead.

Any closing thoughts?

In all honesty, we cannot think of a better way to invest in our children. Giving them this gift of insight has boosted their confidence exponentially and will continue to give them clear direction as they make informed decisions for themselves over their lifetime.

College Careers Consulting and Kal’s help has been invaluable!

From the desk of Jennifer Schumanune. June 3rd, 2022.