Keeping track of all your high school activities is crucial, not just as a record, but as a powerful tool to showcase your growth, dedication, and uni...
High school juniors, as you enjoy your Christmas break, here are some productive steps to get ready for college:Research Colleges: Spend time explorin...
At College Career Consultants, we get it—writing a college essay can feel like staring into the abyss of the unknown. That 650-word limit? It’s daunti...
Guide your student on their college journey by encouraging them to explore college websites and engage in webinars or classes. Find out how this simpl...
Showing demonstrated interest is critical and often ignored. Besides prepping transcripts, crafting essays, and showcasing your extracurricular activi...
As competition continues to grow tougher year after year, many families are finding themselves navigating conversations about future plans, broken hea...
We believe that the ideal time to begin the college admissions process is 9th grade. The freshman year, in many ways, is the 'make it or break it' yea...